I recently had a chance to have an exclusive interview with is one of Amerika's most talented, dancers, Chris McCarthy, also known as the "bad boy" from the Rock the Ballet. Chris was born in San Fransisco but grew up in Miami. His love for dance started when he was 17 and developed into a self-taugt contemporay dancer through instructional video on the internet. Later he received his academic training in "Miami Dance Town" under the direction of Manny Castro and signing as a dancer/entertainer for C & J Productions. Specializing in both jazz, hip-hop and modern dance to. His career so far has led him to danced at the side and in association of big names in show business including Madonna, Prince, Liza Minelli, to nane a few. Recent accomplishments include to be one of the bad boys (bad boys) of the famous "Rock the Ballet" the Rasta Thomas. Today Chris continues to spreading hes love of dance & to appreciate multiple opportunities to dance & teache around the world. He will be soon cooming for the second time to Greece (7-11 july) to hold together with the Greek ballet dancer Sofia Trana a seminar on Athens Ballet Center. Enjoy the interview below... :)
- My first question is: What year were you born and what is your dancing background, i read on the internet that you first started to dance at age of 17 as a self-taugt dancer is that right?
Yes thats right; I was born 1989 and when i began dancing i was teaching myself through dance videos on the internet. when i finally saved up enough money on my own i joined a school were i studied in many different styles of ballet, jazz, modern, contemporary, hip-hop, and ballroom.
- As a child, did you want to be a dancer? if not what did you want to be when you grew up?
Actuallly, its funny; as a child i just wanted to be a superstar. I would spend much of my time learning movies like and actor or song like singers, and performing for my toys.
- Who are you? A dancer that happens to be human or a human that happens to dance?
I like to believe i am a dancer that happens to be human. so many times when i am choreographing, teaching, or performing its impossible to create some of the things i see because of the limitations of being human. but its that challenge that is so exciting and makes me push to try to create such a non human quality or effect.
- What style of dance do you prefer?
My favorite style of dance that i prefer to watch in Ballroom. there is so much commitment, its hard, its technical, and passionate. My favorite style of dance to perform or teach is contemporary. Its free, and exciting, and whatever you make of it.
- Who is your dancing icon?
In dance my icon is Rasta Thomas. Many other names are very talented or have brilliant minds, but Rasta is all of every characteristic to me. his dance technique, his performance personality, his movement quality, and his active mind on and off stage.
- What do you think or and feel when you are dancing?
When i am dancing i feel scared. Not scared of the audience or the performance. its a away of vulnerable tht i feel so that when i perform every movement is honest and real. being scared for me also makes me think about the decisions i make on stage before i make them so that they are wise and respectful to the atmosphere and the mood of the choreography.
- Unless I am mistaken, you performed at Badminton Theatre. Was it your first time in Athens and how do you feel performing in Greece?
It was my first time in Greece. I had the time of my life. The audience was great and welcoming, and the food in Greece was DELICIOUS! lol
-What’s been the highlight of your career to date?
That is a hard question. i have done many many thing and still i am young, but to date, i would say dancing with Rasta Thomas Rock the Ballet. Traveling the world and preforming for 100's of thousands of people all over the world is something that i would never give back and am so grateful for..
- Are you interested in other forms of arts? Do they inspire you? and how?
I am very interested in all forms of art. I believe its important as an artist to extend your vocabulary in every way. I paint, write music, and play instruments. (all brass instruments the trumpet, the trombone, the tuba, ect.) also i go through many different phases of inspiration. Some times its art work or music. Sometimes its beautiful or even not so beautiful thing you can see.
- How much would you be able to sacrifice for dancing?
I want to Believe that i could sacrifice everything. with the obvious exception of family.
- What is more important, passion or technic?
Passion. Technique is important but i am interested in everyone's story and how they with to tell it, and some people simply are not gifted with a great amount of technique.
- What do you do to stay healthy – inside and out?
I exercise often and try to eat healthy. I fail often at eating healthy but i try. Sometimes food is just too good.
- What are your hobbies?
I have many hobbies, but mostly i enjoy painting, simply just sitting and listening to all types of music and people watching.
- What has been your most embarrassing moment as a dancer?
ohhh wow. When I 19 I was performing solo in an arts festival. the was to be no breaks between acts and you had to pay attention if you were on next to be ready to go on and start your piece. will never forget, before me was a ballerina doing 2 different variations. I wasn't away she was doing 2 so after her first variation ended I ran on stage so confident it was my turn and assumed my starting position. Long story short he looked over to me and said "i have one more" i looked into the audience of over 7,000 people so embarrassed .
- How do you explain your character? What type of person are you?
I am a very outgoing, out spoken person. I am creative and open to All types of new things. I think a lot and some times a get lost in my head, which is my favorite part of my personality. I love talking to people and making new friends. I live by this saying : "People love People who love People".
- Do you have any bad habits that you would hate or personally would like to stop?
Of course. One bad habit i would love to break is that i talk a lot and get lost in story telling. sometimes i run out of time and wish i would have just gotten to the point. But i like to think i am a good story teller and people like my story's, but I could probably do without so many lol.
- You have plenty of years ahead to dance , but what do you want to do after your dancer career is finished?
I want to run my own company. A company that learns about interesting people and puts the biography's on stage.
- What can we expect from you in the future?
I hope a lot. currently right now i am working on a show i hope to be premiering within the next year. and a lot of performing and teaching around the world. I'm exited about my future, and i look forward to living it out.
- How can fans find out more about you?
There will be a new website finished and running buy sept. ChrisjMcc.com where anyone will be able to find out were i am what i'm doing, how to book me for teaching or quest performance, or simply just to check in. With photos and videos both personal and testimonial from dancers or studios i teach at .
- Lastly, is there anything else you would like to let our readers know about?
Everyone dies. its the expected. but not everyone Lives. its important to find what you love and spend your life enjoying what you love.
To get more information you can connect with Chris McCarthy via